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Glass Ionomer Cement for Cementation A3 shade

Glass ionomer is a very important material in the current and modern Odontology, mainly because its adhesion property and fluorine release. Such properties guarantee an excellent cavity sealing and decay prevention. It is easy to manipulate, has excellent aesthetic and mechanical properties. It is used in the reconstruction of prosthetic pieces in elements with more than 50% of dental structure. Fluor release guarantees an anti-cariogenic action. Continuous recharged of Fluor considering its oral absorption. It allows both the mineralization of adjacent tissues and the recovery of rigidity of cusps without dentin support. It has chemical adhesion to dental structures through its link with Calcium ions. It has higher adhesion to enamel than the dentin. The thermal expansion and contraction is similar to dentin, having no post-operating sensitivity. Due to its high adhesion has no need of additional retentions. It is a Biocompatible and hydrophilic material. It is the most compatible material to our dental structure. Due to initial cement acidity, Calcium Hydroxide based cement is recommended for deep cavities. Fluor contributes to reduce the material pH. Radiopaque material and its high adhesion to the dental structure avoid marginal leakage.


1 flask with 15g of BIOGLASS C Powder;
1 flask with 10mL of BIOGLASS C Liquid;
1 measuring spoon (WHITE).



  • Fluoride release;
  • Continuous refill of fluoride;
  • Good adhesion to the enamel and dentin;
  • Absence of pos-operatory sensitivity (thermal expansion and contraction like of the teeth);
  • Ideal setting time.

Bioglass C (Glass Ionomer Cement)

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